Long Beach

"Dave's Wave" Golf Tournament

Written by Emiko | Jul 13, 2010 6:25:16 PM

July 17, 12pm at Skylinks Golf Course, Long Beach
Dave Uribe was a great friend, caring brother and wonderful son. It’s been five years since we lost him and we are celebrating his life once again with our 5th Annual Dave Uribe Memorial Golf Classic. We will be teeing it up at Skylinks Golf Course in beautiful Long Beach, CA. The tournament kicks off at noon on Saturday July 17. Dave loved golfing, surfing, baseball and any many other venues he could get his friends together for and share the good times with. Dave bridged the gaps between the ocean waves and golf courses. He was our bridge that developed lifelong friendships, created from his love of life and his unrivaled personality. This year all golf participants will be making a contribution in Dave’s name to the Surfrider Foundation and their quest for the "Sink the Breakwater" campaign. We hope that you may join us on the links or simply make a contribution in Dave’s honor to help Sink the Breakwater. Help “Dave’s Wave” to continue to swell!
Contact: Vince Zavala vincezavala@msn.com