Long Beach

Surf Long Beach

Written by Emiko | Feb 7, 2014 9:58:55 PM

The folks at Seventh Wave Surf Shop scored some surfable waves in Long Beach during the January 25th storm. Here's an exerpt:

Kelli Koller, photo by Tamara Garcia


We drove onto the beach at 7:30 am the next day without a soul in sight on the beach or in the water. Claremont Street on the Long Beach Peninsula woke up from her long slumber. She was breaking, and it was beautiful out! The waves weren't epic with big barrels or long tasty lines, but they were epic because they were in Long Beach and were rideable. I was so amped for the inconsistent short rides just off the sand....but if you look at the photos....those small waves show so much potential!!!! The last time in recent memory that there were surfable waves in Long Beach was back in 2010. We had been waiting a long time. I sent out a quick post so friends could come down and share the stoke. Then Deb, Sierra Garcia and I suited up. (We sponsor Sierra. She surfs for Millikan High. NSSA and CCSA. Charger, good student, great kid. Tamara Garcia, Sierra's mother, captured the images of this event. She is a great mom and shop supporter! Yay Millikan!)

Go here for the entire aticle.

And there's another article in the OC Register .

Sierra Garcia, photo by Tamara Garcia