Beach cleanups are a fun and easy way to volunteer your time by helping to keep our beaches and ocean clean! Our cleanups take place every first Saturday of the month at the Belmont Pier. We’re always looking for volunteers to help out at the booth as well as participate in the cleanups.
A. No, you can “just show up” in the morning and sign in. However, please sign our Beach Cleanup Program Participation Waiver beforehand or at the beach.
Q. Can I bring my kids, friends or a group?
A. Yes! Groups of 5 or more, let us know by emailing Kids of all ages are welcome but we ask that anyone 12 and under be accompanied by an adult or guardian.
Q. Can I bring my dog?
Unfortunately, no. Dogs are not allowed on Long Beach City beaches.
Q. Do I need to bring anything?
Yes. Please bring your own reusable bag or bucket, gloves, trash picker and water. We recommend closed toe shoes, a hat and sunblock.
Q. How do I get to Belmont Pier?
A. The pier is located at Ocean and 39th Place.
Q. Can you sign my volunteer hours sheet or do you have a certificates of completion?
A. Yes but you must sign up first thing in the morning and participate fully throughout the entire cleanup (from 10:00 to 12:00). At the end of the day, we will sign your certificate of completion or give you one of our own completion forms.
Q. Do I have to pay for parking?
A. No. You can acquire a parking pass from our tent during the cleanup.
Q. Do you ever cancel or reschedule a beach cleanup due to weather?
A. Yes. Always check our Instagram where any cancellations will be posted. Expect a cancellation if there are heavy rains/stormy weather. Holidays may also affect our cleanup dates.
If you are interested in sponsoring a beach cleanup or for more information, contact Mario Bautista at